Crying in my Latte.

Crying in my Latte.

by Alienhippy

How salty the wounds these tears trace

As I sit alone yet another day

Wells up, trickle down my face

I’m crying in my Latte.


Forgotten anger, misplaced emotion

Wounded heart why feel this way

Misunderstanding past devotion

I’m crying in my Latte


Tears and time will bring healing

Heavy heart will lighten, when I pray

Aloneness is such a deep feeling

I’m crying in my Latte


Two Cappuccinos to take out

One for me and one for the Lord

I know He’s not going to drink it

But I’m taking His promises on board


He said that he’d never leave me

I know that He meant every word

He said that He’d never forsake me

That’s just what my heart’s always heard


The future can be so different

My mind will always try to play

But I believe we all have these moments

When we spill tears into our Latte


Hello my lovely Bloggy friends,

I have had quite a lot going on over the last few days.

I wrote this poem while out yesterday, and will write a post about it when I am able to find words.

Love and hugs. Lisa. xx 🙂

Just chill out and have a Coffee!

*CAL and me pulling faces at the security mirror in the local shop.

Hello my lovely bloggy friends,

Just a quick post I think, I’m chilling out with a coffee after a mad rush this morning.

My *CAL was totally shutdown this morning and was having the usual blank moments. The hand farts…reminder of this found here… well they have now become a new stim for her. So all morning she was only verbal in this way bless her. I’m not worried about this I find it quite funny, *AJ had FAR worse stims than this and he’s managed ok.

She’s upset about her friend leaving school on Friday also they start swimming lesson this week and she’s a little nervous about going. So stimming is a soother for her, at least she’s not walking round in circles at the moment.

I managed to get her to school, only 2 minutes late today

…I really do hate sending her in so disorientated. At least I get to check on her when I get to work at dinner time. One of the reasons I like my job. One of the reasons I picked my job….hehehe

I have had a very busy morning,

I popped to my Church toddler group to have a coffee and chat with my friend before braving the supermarket. After the supermarket, I rewarded myself with a trip to the pet store for a job well done. I love the pet store, it’s just so different to the supermarket and the people seem so much more friendly. I find it quite relaxing chatting to the caged birds, the rabbits, Guinea Pigs and watching the fishes in the Aquariums.

Zazzy and ROCK

I got back though, to one hell.of.a.mess.

My Zazzy girl (That’s my Lurcher) had ripped ROCKY boy’s mattress to pieces. This was his new bed and he loved it. Last time she ripped his bean bag to bits and I ended up with little white polystyrene balls EVERYWHERE.

My ROCK, who is a massive Rottweiler was covered in them, it was so funny to see. It actually looked like it had snowed indoors. His beanbag was actually a two seat sofa bean bag, so you can imagine the amount of balls I had to clean up.

I must admit I’m getting pretty sick of it,

I haven’t got a clue why she keeps killing his bedding. ROCK is no trouble at all, he’s just a big, fat, lazy, sloppy dope. But Zazzy is a complete mystery to me, just when I think I have figured her out she starts something new.

I have got them both new blankets now and they will have to have their plastic dog baskets back. I know Zazzy will rip the blankets up, but they only cost a pound each from the charity shop.

You have probably noticed

There is absolutely no point at all to this post, I’m just babbling to myself and sharing it with my bloggy friends while enjoying a lovely frothy coffee topped with chocolate….giggle

Well I’d better think about getting to work.

I might put a post together later with some thoughts I had in the shower this morning…I’ll see how I feel after work.

I’m in the infants today, hopefully it won’t rain….if it does, there won’t be a post. I will have used up my thinking brain entertaining a class full of 5 year olds that all speak at once.

Love and hugs. xx 🙂

“Mom has Chipmunks in her brain!”

Hello my lovely bloggy friends.

This could get silly!

If you are here to read something deep and insightful, this is NOT the post.

This Coffee will kill me.

So this afternoon we were at *CAL’s piano lesson. *Elaine, (*CAL’s piano teacher) always makes me a coffee…EVERY WEEK.

Out of my ridiculous politeness I drink it every week too.

Her coffee is absolutely hideous.

I’m not kidding you, her coffee turns my head inside out and dries my mouth out something terrible.

After drinking only half a cup my eyes feel wide open and my head start racing.

I swear I could stand a spoon up in it, it’s that strong.

I really don’t know what she does to it, I have thought of asking for tea but I’m too afraid of what I might get…giggle.
I don’t actually think that it can be considered coffee by any stretch of the imagination.

Chipmunks in my brain

So how do I get Chipmunks in my brain, it’s the caffeine.  By the time I leave the piano lesson my head is buzzing. I don’t drink caffeine on any other days. So today, after *CAL’s lesson , we are driving to the gym to fetch *AJ and D.W.Klymax. My little *CAL points out that I have spoken about 4 different topics in less than 5 minutes and wants to know how I jumped from Coffee to JLS.

My only analogy is the scene in Alvin and the Chipmunks when “Ian” gives them coffee to keep them awake and the Chipmunks turn hyper-active and speed all over the recording studio.

So my CAL then says, “So Coffee makes YOU have Chipmunks in your brain.”

This really made me giggle and I giggled as I drove ALL the way to the gym,

singing along to…OF COURSE…JLS.

3 very sweaty Teens

We arrive at the gym, I collect *AJ and D.W.Klymax a couple of times a week after their work out. Well today we have 3 rather well built, very sweaty teenage boys squashed into the back of my very small Hyundai Getz. I had turned JLS off as I don’t really know *Leon very well. *D.W.Klymax is very used to my *CAL and her music, he is Autistic too. He is a wonderful young man, with the most loving and accepting heart. As soon as they get into the car the first question is, “No JLS today then? ”

“That’s my hole not yours!”

Yes…. “That’s my hole not yours!” This was the conversation of three 17 year old boys squashed into the back of a very small car, trying to put their seat belts on. Then we had, “I can’t find the hole.” Followed by “Stick your thing in here.”  The list goes on, and I’m quite open minded and find teen behaviour absolutely fascinating.

Rapping is just poetry put to a beat

Our next conversation is D.W.Klymax and his rapping. So we are driving along and D.W. is making up a Rap to the game RUNE SCAPE. He is very talented at this and SO very funny. He then says, “I bet I could Rap to all of your poems Lisa.”

I answered him with, “Well Rapping is just poetry put to a beat *D.W. I know you could Rap to my poems you’d probably get them into the Christian Charts too. Feel free to have a go, just help yourself to what’s on my blog.”

Don’t go on my Mom’s blog that’s really sad

*AJ…”Oh no don’t go on my Mom’s blog it’s WAY too boring.” As he starts fidgeting around in the middle of the other two. Horror all over his face, staring at me in my rear view. I forget I’m NOT a teen and I’m NOT cool anymore…. was I ever?

The awkward silence

*AJ says again, “My Mom’s blog is rubbish, it’s all about Autism and God, it’s really crap.” Well I’m pretty laid back, but I’m not having that. I have to speak up…”I have you know that in 7 months I have had quite a few people visit my blog, I’m quite proud of myself. I’m dyslexic and I have Aspergers, my blog is the only thing I have ever done for myself and I really enjoy blogging!”

Leon then says…”Ooo, the awkward silence!” As all three of them sit there not knowing what to say.

“I don’t actually live in the school!”

Correct, *Leon doesn’t actually live in the school.

My friend Laura over at… Life in the House That Asperger Built. Wrote a post earlier called oblivious.

She explains here that sometimes she is a bit oblivious to thinking outside of the box.

That’s right… things don’t always occur to me, either.

I just don’t think of them, they don’t enter my mind.

When the boys got into the car, *AJ said to me, “Mom you need to take *Leon to BLAH-BLAH School.”

Obviously the school is not called BLAH-BLAH really.

It’s just that when I was at school that is mainly what I heard, it seemed appropriate.

So I drive to BLAH-BLAH School, straight into the car park and parked up.

*Leon started to giggle and then so did the other two.

He then says, “”I don’t actually live in the school!”

So I say, “Well haven’t you got Karate or something then?”

Yes…I took it literally, it didn’t occur to me that *AJ meant *Leon lives by the school.

Well I did have a giggle at my complete Aspie-silliness and asked them to next time word it properly.

As OBVIOUSLY I am a little OBLIVIOUS to thinking to ASK.

I called this post,” Mom has chipmunks in her brain!”

It’s a little silly I know, but…I’m Just Being Me!

I looked ALL over YouTube for this clip.

Sorry it’s NOT in English, it’s only 50 seconds long, I’m sure you can cope.

It explains the speed of my brain after drinking Caffeine.

Giggle, giggle, giggle, snort.

Love and hugs to you all. xx 🙂