Just a quick bit of silliness

Hello my lovely bloggy friends,

I just thought I’d share a few giggles I had yesterday regarding my kids.

This will be a quick post, I’ve got to go out.

ENJOY. Feel free to laugh…I did.

This was my *CAL’s understanding of Gorillas yesterday morning.

“Oh Mommy aren’t they SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!” Said in her baby voice.

Ok…this was the conversation on our way to McDonalds before fetching *AJ from the gym.

What a difference a day makes

CAL…”Mommm? (Said with a little fear) …I don’t think I want to go to the rain forest, it’s too scary!”
ME…”Ok baby-girl, I don’t think we are going to the rain forest, but why is it scary?”
CAL…”There are poisonous spiders that live inside flowers, and Gorillas that eat dead Gorillas to get extra protein, I watched them eat one another!”
I did NOT react, I stayed calm…

I just thought to myself…Why was I not told she’d be watching Planet Earth at school today?

Later at home…

I hear *AJ say in his Obi-Wan Kenobi voice.

I will just explain *AJ at 7 yrs of aged called *CAL, Ugga-Bug..It is now shortened to Ug.

*AJ…”Homena, homena, homena! *CAL-my-Ug, you are now officially my little sister, because you have mastered the art of hand-farts!”

Did I REALLY raise this boy? He cracks me up!!! LMHO

I got them on video too…hehehe

8 thoughts on “Just a quick bit of silliness

  1. I love them so much. I’ve never been able to do hand farts. As you know, however, I’ve mastered the other kind really well though. Love to all of my Zany Family xxxx

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