
Can you spare Nine minutes and fifty six seconds?

If so I promise this time will not disappoint you. It will captivate and show in a new light what we all so easily take for granted. I watched this video early this morning and I was in awe of its beauty, humbled by the words spoken and brought to tears at all I miss.

Gratitude for each day and seeing the gift that is life

I felt so overwhelmed by my own humanity, totally humbled by my own shallowness and so grateful for the gift of grace. This video really moved me and helped me to know I need and want to open my eyes. I need and want to be more grateful for each day. I need and want to seek deeper than surface.

Our only response is gratitude when we look at each day as our first and our last, our alpha and omega. This video is so very inspiring with such beautiful words and images.

Thank you Angel for sharing it.

No more words from me. Love and hugs. xx πŸ™‚

12 thoughts on “Gratitude

  1. Lisa, thank you for sharing this. I had to pass it on. To good not to share with as many as possible. I pray you’re having a wonderful day, my friend. Blessings to you and your family. πŸ™‚

  2. I want the text of this video so baddly. Scuse my english I am French canadian from Quebec but i understand english well. I want to share this vidΓ©o with french people but they dont some dont understand english. I post few message about this video because I want to share this beautifl video in french. I need the text or lyric in english of this video, I had request it for 3 months and if someone can send me the english text I will really appreciate it. My e-mail is

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